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My life is a complete adventure. Practically NOMAD in this present. I born in a particular family that made of me a singular and special person. My visions are sometimes diferent for the rest of people. Can be about my eye photographer and spirit creative. I consider now a time for develop all areas that require give sense to the non sense things. Look deeply in my around and preserve, through the image and the writing, the instant.

I enjoy so much my jobs, learn and have skills for solve my goals and objetives. Be close to a perseverant way to fly, watching of the reality just it is. Beside enjoying have time with my little girls and put correct and precise tools in her growth, see in few years a great result in two unique women.


In resume, i created this site for a simple reason. For you, for all people that want have a relax place, and the same time, a place to see in other way our family, our home, our city, our country, our planet ... 


Of course, just here i show images about of Anisopteran Insect. DragonFly ANAX JUNIUS. I found this adult specie in Guarico, Venezuela. In a precious farm named CampoClaro.


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